On 28th of August 2020, we attended the event "In the footsteps of the Dargov Pass fights" at the Victory Memorial at the Dargov Pass. The event began with the flyover of military helicopters and the laying of wreaths at the Victory Memorial. In cooperation with KVH Dukla Prešov and KVH Pravda víťazí, we prepared an exhibition of military signalling equipment, military gear and armaments and a wide range of handguns used during the Second World War.

Interesting part of exhibition was the presentation of the 2nd Czechoslovak Independent Paratrooper's Brigade, which played a key role in the fighting of the SNP*. We also presented the BA-64 armored car, the iconic Jeep Willis, and the Soviet M-72 motorcycle.

Photos by: Jakub Potančok Photography, Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic

* Slovenské národné povstanie (Slovak national uprising)